Opinion: A dollar store’s hidden costs
How the dollar store invasion is destroying communities
How the dollar store invasion is destroying communities
The new president should be proud to lead a unionized workforce
The Eagle's advice columnist answers your most burning questions
The hidden costs and unintended consequences of capping Congressional service
U.S. consumer culture pushes us away from communal living
Term limits are necessary to secure young people opportunities in government
A guide to help our herbivorian peers make the most of that mandatory meal plan
Though Burwell made progress, students still want more from her
The Eagle's advice columnist answers your most burning questions
‘Barbie’ offers a crash course on the patriarchy, and everyone should learn from it
At $1,768 a credit, AU’s summer classes ostracize students from furthering their education during the summer
The Supreme Court and American University would have crushed my 17-year-old self’s dreams
Labor-based grading systems provide equity and empathy to struggling students
Our white peers are too comfortable with always receiving answers
New food options have made students much happier with dining
Community members feel unsafe without universal screening and open communication
University's inclusive excellence plan falls short for increasing student sense of belonging
Flames deemed "incapable of damage" due to color
Let’s stop pretending Joe Biden is your neighbor